Player-Made Levels

A game made with the scientists at the CaSTL research center
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Player-Made Levels

Post by testtubegames »

Bond Breaker has a brand new Level Editor -- which should come as no big surprise to the regulars here. (Hint: I like Level Editors.) So if you made something cool, share it here, and we can try our hands at it.

I'll start us off, not with one I made, but with one a friend built. I still can't figure it out!

Code: Select all

[Bond Breaker: 0v3k38350w3g3f3f3c353j3k0w3c353m353c1q3e3f0w38393e3k1c0w3e3f3k0w3k0t38313k0w38313i341q1h181o182u1h1g181k18161i1g181l181h1h1h1g1h2w0e00166w020e0a1h1j18391g1g1h1g181m181w0w031g1g1g395w0e001g3w0l001g1w0q081g1h1h1h1h1g1g371g0w2k051h2u1h1o1h1h1w23061o1l1g371g1g1h3w0s0w32001o0w11042u1g1h1o1h0w0b00372w1a011g1h0w1t051g181i1m181h0w1p001g0w03041h181h1n18]
Oh, and I'll note that we've got the Level Editor out just in time for National Chemistry Week -- and to celebrate that we'll be running a little contest. Details TBD, but over the next week or two, we'll be curating the levels we get and picking some favorites for inclusion in the actual game. Get your level and your name posted in a TTG game! What fame, what fortune. Well, not those. But at least some bragging rights.
A Random Player
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Re: Player-Made Levels

Post by A Random Player »

testtubegames wrote: I'll start us off, not with one I made, but with one a friend built. I still can't figure it out!

Code: Select all

[Bond Breaker: 0v3k38350w3g3f3f3c353j3k0w3c353m353c1q3e3f0w38393e3k1c0w3e3f3k0w3k0t38313k0w38313i341q1h181o182u1h1g181k18161i1g181l181h1h1h1g1h2w0e00166w020e0a1h1j18391g1g1h1g181m181w0w031g1g1g395w0e001g3w0l001g1w0q081g1h1h1h1h1g1g371g0w2k051h2u1h1o1h1h1w23061o1l1g371g1g1h3w0s0w32001o0w11042u1g1h1o1h0w0b00372w1a011g1h0w1t051g181i1m181h0w1p001g0w03041h181h1n18]
(made the code easier to copy).
Finally solved this.
The proton in the box means that the proton in the tube is always unstable. The thickness of the horizontal tube means electrons cannot be used, so you must be holding that button.
Solution: Send the initially bonded proton into the bottom tube with the two lasers (you can do that, right?). Grab an electron, bond to the top-right atom. Get your atom on the button without using the lasers (since they tend to mess things up), and run to the tube button.
Problem: That is very hard.
Solution: Get the first button. Get the proton. Use the bottom laser of the two on the right. Aim your molecule toward the top horizontal pipe. Get the close button while the proton goes through the tube, pushes the other proton, which activates the button.
Actually quite a neat puzzle.

Here's some of mine. I liked putting a lot of things on at once, so they're somewhat silly...

Instability (simple):

Code: Select all

[Bond Breaker: 0v293e3j3k3132393c393k3p1q243f3e173k0w3k3f3l33380w3k38351e1e1e0w3p033f3l0w3k1w0g0v35340w393k1q1h181h1o183a181h1j18161k1h1h16181h1k181g1h1h1g181h1l01181h1w060w0n0a1g1h1h1i1n181h1h181v160w0a0133184w0j00381w0s041h1g1h1h371w0h1w08001g2w0h0f1a1h1h1g1o181h1i181h2u1h181l1k18]
Time Bomb (tricky):

Code: Select all

[Bond Breaker: 0v3k393d350w323f3d321q2n38313k0w313i350w3k383f3j350w3d3f3c35333l3c0h353j0w373f393e370w3k3f0w343f0w3p3f3l1w030v1v0w2a3l3j3k0w373f1e1q1h181h1o181g181o18381p181l181h1h1g1i1g181m00185w0c071g1g1j1g1j1g1g1g5w0f0w0d021j1j1j6w000f031j1g1j1g0w1l4w0t011j1g0w1e011j1g6w000t031g1j1g1g0w1g6w010f011g1j2w025w2d001h2w0d001j6w000f021k1v1g6w003q03181l1k18]
Flashy Labyrinth (careful):

Code: Select all

[Bond Breaker: 0r263c313j383p0w3c31323p3i393e3k381q2n313i3e393e370w1d0w361w0q1w0a0v333f3c3f3i3j1e0w2d3f3i350w3j3f0w39360w3p3f3l0w3c3f3j351q1h181h1h0p182t1h181l1838383837373738181k181g1o1p1h1v1h1h3837380w0i0w0k0138381w0h001n1w0h0w0c1w0100381w0h043s1i1d1h382w111w0101371g0w1l0w1300372w0d1w012w0h031g1h1h381w133w031w271w0h0637181o18383t1h0w0r0w020w0b0w1f0437371h381h0w3s00370w0300385w0f071h1k38181n1837380w4u041h181l1k18]

The levels seem to be a little less laggy when first created, no idea why.
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Re: Player-Made Levels

Post by testtubegames »

I love these! Time bomb was especially creative, I love that idea of the level basically being destroyed if you take too long.

(Though they do make me realize I need to tone down a bit on the laser-flashiness (wow, my eyes), or add a seizure warning to the player-made levels...)

And curses to you (good job) for beating the Poolest Level. I'll not read the spoiler... yet. Gotta keep trying.
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Re: Player-Made Levels

Post by testtubegames »

A couple changes to the game:

-I toned down the contrast of the laser beams... which will make them a bit more disco, and a bit less jarring.
-I changed the hit boxes of the spikes just slightly. Basically, you could sneak between two that joined diagonally if you were really careful. So I fixed that. By the by, I hope that wasn't the point of your Time Bomb level, Random. I'd hate to have just nerfed it. I checked and made sure you can still beat the level without cutting any corners.
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Re: Player-Made Levels

Post by A Random Player »

Re: Spikes:
I never even noticed that! I loaded it in an old tab of BB, and discovered that you can indeed pass the level through 2 diagonals. (the tabs have since crashed because IE)
The original point was
you would try to go around the spikes, but you would fail because of the incoming molecules. Then, you would try to go through the path? Or maybe try to push against the molecules?
But then you would realize that none of those ways works, and that ARP probably forgot to add or remove something.
The actual method to win would be then
you run straight at the top of the molecules in the start, then keep pushing until all electrons are gone. Then, go down, while avoiding the spikes.
I supposed a better name might be "The Flood". Or "Melting Ice". Not exactly ice, but energy is being added either way; and the ending with the shaking protons... not really ice.

Here's some more stuff:

Get the orange laser right after a single purple...

Code: Select all

[Bond Breaker: 0u323c31333b0w383f3c351q1q1h181h1o181g181o183a3a3a1g1g1g1g1h1h1g0w0c072t2t2t1g1g1g1g1h0w0c091m18393r1p1p1p2r3b1g6w010e011v1p6w040e001p6w000t091o183t3t3t1g1g1g1g1h0w1p091o183c3c3c1g1g1g1g1h0w0c031h1l181h5w060b1k1g38181h1j181h181l1k18]

Code: Select all

[Bond Breaker: 0v3d3f3c353g3l3j381q1q1h2t2t2t2t1h1h3a1h181h1g181i1g1h1g161g181h1g04181h1h1g1g2w0b091m181o1g1g1o1h1h1h1g1w0e0b161g1g1g1g331g1o1g1g1h1h4w0w011n180w0w0w0d1w02051g181p181o1h2w0p0w0b031n181k1g0w0p1w1p2w0d001o5w1l0w0d1w020w0o061h1g3s1j1j1d3s4w030b1h1h1g1g1g1g1h2u2u16162u2w030b1h1h1h3t3t3t3t1h181k1o18]

An important thing: Your links aren't working. They go something like

Code: Select all[Bond%20Breaker:%200v3k393d350w323f3d321q2n38313k0w313i {snip...} 1k18]
but that doesn't load the code (at least for me). You need

Code: Select all {snip...} 1k18
with no prefix/suffix.
The links are generated correctly in the game, though, which makes me think there *might* be a bug at my end.

(Also the opening contest box has some stuff inside the letters. Fill tool much?)
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Re: Player-Made Levels

Post by testtubegames »

A Random Player wrote:An important thing: Your links aren't working. They go something like

Code: Select all[Bond%20Breaker:%200v3k393d350w323f3d321q2n38313k0w313i {snip...} 1k18]
but that doesn't load the code (at least for me). You need

Code: Select all {snip...} 1k18
with no prefix/suffix.
The links are generated correctly in the game, though, which makes me think there *might* be a bug at my end.

(Also the opening contest box has some stuff inside the letters. Fill tool much?)
Ah, that is an important thing! I quick fixed it, it was indeed a bug on my end. When I sent the URL to bitly to shorten the link, I sent the wrong string (with brackets). Thus if you copied the *long* URL it would have worked. Yikes, can't believe I didn't see that!

All better now, though -- it seems. Phew -- thanks!

As for the fill tool, that's a weird one. I often give text outlines to make them pop out, but for whatever reason here, the outlines really wanted to fill in the gaps. When I was making it, it never looked filled in, but when I exported to png, it always was. Weird. Didn't get a chance to track down the issue and fix it, though.

Can't wait to play your new levels!
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Re: Player-Made Levels

Post by testtubegames »

Molepush was neat - taught me the importance of planning ahead, since the first time I messed it all up! Were the nanospheres there for any reason? I didn't see any lasers in the level.

Black hole was missing a star. Was that on purpose? I *am* glad I fixed one of the common bugs in the game - where molecules would pick up 4, 5, 6... etc electrons. Eventually they'd get really buggy -- but it only was a problem when the molecules were confined and couldn't split apart. Not a problem in the official game, since I just never made a level where that could happen. But now that there's a level editor... had to fix it. (Solution? Limit to 3 electrons, easy!)

Poolest Level - WHAAAA, I swear I tried that method a bajillion times. But the moment I read the spoiler, I was able to solve the level. Weird how a bit of confidence in a method can make all the difference, I guess. Whew, that feels good. Thanks, Random!

A level of my own: Zig-Zag

Code: Select all

[Bond Breaker: 0v3q39373q31371q1q1h181h1o181k1h3a1h181h1h181g1h1h1g1h1g3a1h1h1h3a081h181k183a1h2u1h1h0w0g041g3a1h3a1g0w030w05011h1g2w12031g1g3a1g1w031w05081g1h1h1g181h1l181h6w060600161w0f011j180w0m2w0w0a1i181h1h1i1h1h1h1g1g1g0w0o081k181h1g1g1h181m180w3i011h1g0w2l03181k1g18]
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Re: Player-Made Levels

Post by NealCruco »

I present...466C. Be warned, it's quite difficult. However, I made sure each section of the level was beatable before designing the next. (As a result, I restarted the first half about 20 times. Then when I realized I felt like ragequitting...I toned it down just a bit.) And before calling it finished, I made myself go through the level completely. So no matter what section you're in, there is a solution.
Edit 12/14/14: This level was finished on 12/5, but then I noticed that the first letter of my username wasn't in caps. So I fixed it.
Last edited by NealCruco on Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:15 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Player-Made Levels

Post by testtubegames »

NealCruco wrote:I present...466C. Be warned, it's quite difficult.
Nice level - a challenge but not too hard. Though I will note, there is a way to 'cheat'.
Just click on the star, and hold the mouse down.
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Re: Player-Made Levels

Post by NealCruco »

testtubegames wrote:
NealCruco wrote:I present...466C. Be warned, it's quite difficult.
Nice level - a challenge but not too hard. Though I will note, there is a way to 'cheat'.
Just click on the star, and hold the mouse down.
Ooh...I didn't think of that. It's not that bad of a bug, because you have to go right after a wave of electrons- otherwise you'll pick up one and be too big. However, I fixed it by moving the star 1 space to the left and putting a wall in its place. Thanks for bringing that up.
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