Support Free Science Projects!

My biggest goal with TestTubeGames is access

Science museums are great! (I used to work at one.) Science outreach programs are great! (I took part in several.) But not everyone has access to enriching science spaces. They can be hard to get to, far away, or cost prohibitive. I want to give folks a way to explore interesting concepts no matter where they are, and without requiring many resources.

That's the reason so many of my projects are completely free. I want the smallest barrier to entry possible.

That said -- making and giving things away for free is not, on its own, a sustainable business model. If you are able to, please consider supporting TestTubeGames. You can...

Download some Games

Like the free versions? Then you'll love the paid versions!

Gravity Simulator

The Electric Shocktopus

Black Hole Launcher

Why do Astronauts Float?

Donate to the Cause

Want an even simpler way to support free science content online? Donate, using this super fancy donate button! The highlights and shading on it alone are worth a pretty penny.

Can't take my eyes off it!

Get nifty Merch

Give money to the cause! And get a pin along the way!

Velocity Raptor Enamel Pin

Show off your relativistic prowess with this new pin! Proper length is 1.25 inches - though the measured length will of course depend on your reference frame. Hard enamel, two pins on back with metal covers.

$10 + shipping

Share it far, Share it wide

If you follow my twitter feed, you know that I'm really really good at marketing. Very effective at it. Have you seen my virality on Reddit? Off the charts.

But all that time I spend marketing could be spent making more projects! And don't we all want more projects? This is where you come in! Share these projects with your friends, teachers, healthcare providers -- so I don't have to spend as much time/money on marketing. Win-win!

Here, I've made it easy for you to post on Twitter

Thank you for your help supporting interactive science resources.